Monday, August 11, 2008

latest LO: "Gadgets" / útima página: "Gadgets"

I though I'd celebrate my husband's interest in gadgets and this is what I came up with.
I'm totally embracing my handwrinting, I no longer agonize about it (nor the fact that I misspelled the word "few", HA!). Ali would approve.
Also, I used plenty of white space on this one, but I think is OK for a change.
As you can see it is the same photograph in different grades if lightness and cropped in different ways. I'm considering replacing the last one, it is just too dark.
Thanks for looking.
Pensé que era buena idea celebrar la afición de mi esposo por la tecnología y esto fue lo que salió.
Estoy abrazando la idea de usar mi letra en las páginas, ya no agonizo por eso (ni por el hecho de que escribí mal la palabra "few", JA!.
Ali me corroboraría.
Igualmente usé mucho espacio en blanco en esta página, pero creo que está bien para variar.
Como pueden ver es la misma fotografía en diferentes grados de claridad y recortada en maneras diferentes. Estoy considerando reemplazar la última, ya que me quedó muy oscura.
Gracias por mirar.
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Sankari W. said...

what a great idea for a bloglayout! my husband loves gadgets too and this would be something perfect to document his love of all things technological! Great idea to crop the pic at different sizes and different color intensities! Beautiful!

Savitri said...

This is an awesome page! Love your work!!!

Marie-Précieuse said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog (thanks to Kristina's challenges!) and I could/would have posted a comment on each of your post since everything you did catched my eye (and interest!!) :) So here I am to tell you: good job! Ali would sure approve and your handwriting and misspelling, and so do I! :) I love the fact that your blog is bilingual and that your pages are in english. I was happy to be able to read all your funny stories about your daughter. She really say stupid before every noun?!! Oh! Oh! That means I'll also get this attitude soon (my daughter is 2 years old - and can only say some words - for the moment!)! Congrats on the last little one. My little one is coming also soon. Still 2 months to go. So, well, I was happy to discover you today and your blog will take place on my daily-read list. :)
Sincerely, Marie