Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lessons Learned: make sure it is your car / Lecciones aprendidas: asegurate que sea tu carro

I stopped for capuccino this morning at a coffe shop in Santo Domingo well known for not having enough parking space, but being the only one around it's the one I usually go to. I thanked my lucky stars as I spotted an empty space.
Went in, got the coffe and as I came out I noticed that I couldn't access the vehicle due to a white jeep parked extremely close. I got pretty angry, but decided to be as polite as possible due to the parking lot situation, so I went back in and ask EVERYBODY if the jeep was theirs, of course, the owner was the last person I asked (Murphy's law) who offered to inmediately move it, but having a car parked behind, had to come back in and ask one of his friends to move his.
Long story short a whole table of people (in some sort of meeting I guess) came out key in hand just as I realized that the car had a rosary haging from the review mirror, IT WAS NOT MY CAR, mine was the one parked right next to it (same brand and model, and similar color, of course) which was completely free to come out.
I was extremely embarassed to admit I had interrupted everybody's breakfast over nothing, but at least they laughed it off and were pretty nice to me, I couldn't apologize fast enough and practiclly ran away of there.
The moral of the story is: make sure is your car. Lesson learned, the hard way...


Esta mañana me detuve a comprar un capuccino en una reposteria de la ciudad de Santo Domingo bien conocida por no tener suficientes parqueos, pero siendo que es la mas cercana a mi es la que usualmente visito. Me sentí de suerte cuando noté un parqueo vacio esperando por mi. Entré compré mi cafe, sólo para darme cuenta que no podía acceder al vehículo por un jeep blanco parqueado extremadamente cerca.
Me enojé mucho pero decidí entrar y preguntar amablemente a TODO el mundo allí si el jeep era de ellos, claro, resultó ser de la última persona a quien le pregunte (oh, las leyes de Murphy) quien amablemente se ofreció a moverlo de forma inmediata, pero teniendo el carro de un amigo atrás tuvo que pedirle a el que saliera a hacer lo mismo.
En resumen, la mesa entera del señor salió llave en mano, justo cuando me percaté que el carro tenía un rosario colgando del retrovisor, ESE NO ERA MI CARRO, el mio era el que estaba parqueado justo al lado (misma marca, mismo modelo, color similar) y el cual estaba totalmente despejado para salir.
Estaba extremadamente avergonzada de admitir que había interrumpido el desayuno de todos por nada, pero ellos fueron amables conmigo y se rieron del asunto. No me pude discular lo suficientemente rápido y practicamente me fuí corriendo de ahí.
Moraleja de la historia: asegurate que sea tu carro. Lección aprendida, de la manera dificil...

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